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The Marvelous Tree Rat

Introduction to Tree Rats.

Tree Rats have only been discovered recently because of their ability to hide well and stay out of sight. Tree rats eat nuts and fruits. They are very good at making houses in the time in only a few minutes. They give birth to batches of three children. Recently, some research about Tree Rats has been published and this website will tell you everything you need to know about them.

Characteristics of Tree Rats

  • Green fur
  • Fast
  • Jump high
  • Dig through wood fast
  • Make houses inside trees
  • Change houses every month

Tree rat sightings

Location of Sighting Person that saw it Date
Amazonian Forest Mack Fry 1892
Karura Forest Dr. Overwill 1937
Fecula Forest Miss. Karma 1952
Sherwood Forest Jason Sactive 2001
North Mestribater Dr. Lester 2013

Territories of the Tree Rat

Tree Rats are one of the most territorial animals you will ever hear of of. They have wars, alliances, and mortal enemies. They are almost like humans! Large tribes will take over forests and wars will erupts in between different forests or tribes inside forests. Tree rats communicate well and they have intelligent war tactics. They even use small spears and other weapons.

Biggest Tree Rat tribes:

  1. North Amazonian Tree Rats
  2. The German Assassins
  3. Russian Woodcutters
  4. South Amazonian Warriors
  5. Spanish Strategists
  6. South African Conquerors

Dangers and eating habits of the Tree Rat

Tree rats are actually omnivores that prefer eating vegetables. Unlike their cousin the sewer rat, they eat berries and other fruits. They will also eat nuts and bark. One interesting fact is when they are building a home, they will eat the bark and the inside of the tree while simultaneously “pouring our their waist” if you understand what I mean… The tree rat’s main predator is the Tree Snake. Tree Rats are constantly fighting against the Tree Snakes for their homes. Tree Snakes basically live in every forest and are venomous. They do not attack humans because they are scared of them.